Daily Archives: September 19, 2006

I love mac, but

doing this whole battery exchange was a bit of a shocker. I hold Apple in very high esteem and I love on my powerbook all the time – so I can’t believe there is a massive battery recall going on. … Continue reading

Posted in computer tricks, RAZR | Leave a comment

Knife Toes

Another song my honey wrote for me. To be sung to a James Bond theme song of choice … I like “For Your Eyes Only.” Sharper than a diamond tip More painful than the sting Of a whip She’ll strike … Continue reading

Posted in his song lyrics | 2 Comments


For those of you interested in graffiti art, there was an interesting article in the NYTimes about a London-based artist called Banksy, who just did a one-weekend show with a live, painted elephant, in LA last weekend (while I was … Continue reading

Posted in art | 1 Comment